Sunday, November 18, 2007

I wish he'll be rude to me then I could hate him.

It has been 23 days since he dropped me off the cliff of despair. Then after 6 days, I bursted out and yup! It was the cliff of despair. Up to now, I still feel something for him. I have proven that I'm not a fickle minded but I have a fickle heart. I'm trying to show my friends I'm happy making myself busy just to forget him. But it's hard. He made me feel special even if we didn't commit into a reltionship. Well, I did to him. There are so many moments we shared that I wont forget. Those moments were appreciated. During the DLSU Victory Party, he asked his friends to help him to sneak me inside the campus. Then inside, he asked his friend to take a photo of the two of us. When we walk on the road, he pulls me back to the side when I tend to walk towards the middle of the road. When he helped me and my mom carry some bags of shirts from divisoria for my business and before we left my house, he said to my mom not to worry, he'll send me home early. While we sat in the jeepney, he held my waist pulling me towards him. Sigh. And his groups anniversary at malate, our common friend asked him if he love me, he said yes, he love me and I said the same. He's the one who made their banner for the anniversary and he gave me a tarpauline but his friend wants it so I gave it and he tried to get it back for me. Yet, he chose to let me go despite of all of those moments I reminisce. Sometimes, I wish I had never met him. Because then I could sleep at night not knowing there was someone like him out there. (Graham, Good Will Hunting) As of now, I collect love quotes and send it to him for him to notice my feelings. Well I hope he does. And for me, It has been 2 weeks since I started eating fastfood everyday. When I'm in school, I always eat at McDonalds because I have an upgrade card. hihihi. (Trivia: I named this pillow RB, initials of his name)


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